WATER FIRST 2012 Events:
We'll be hosting special events as we launch our new non-profit organization FRESHWATER PROJECT INTERNATIONAL in 2012. Check back for updates.
ORDER THE FILM at Bullfrog Films or Call Bullfrog Films at 1-800-543-3764.
WATER FIRST premiered on World Water Day, March 22, 2008, at the Environmental Film Festival in our Nation's Capital at the Carnegie Institute to a very receptive audience. Since then the film has shown at numerous international conferences and film festivals.
WATER FIRST is now available on DVD! Please CALL Bullfrog Films at 1-800-543-3764 to order.
Filmmaker, Amy Hart, is available for speaking engagement and documentary filmmaking workshops. To inquire E:
THE FEATURE: (46:00)
Reaching the Millennium Development Goals:
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Addis International Film Fest
NYC - Harvard Club, Rotary Screening
Stockholm, Sweden - Amnesty International Film Fest
Geneva, Switzerland - UNESCO forum Music for a Green Planet
NYC - New York Times Building, Rotary Fundraiser
Hollywood, CA - Arpa Intl Film Fest
Philadelphia, PA - APHA conference
Berlin, Germany - Globians Film Fest
Zaragoza, Spain World Expo
Bergen, Norway Bergen International Film Fest
Montpelier, France Cinespot Environmental Film Fest
Golden, CO Colorado Environmental Film Fest
DC - Environmental Film Fest in our Nation's Capital
DC - Resident of the Ambassador of Malawi
NYC - Tribeca Cinemas, Rotary Water Event
NYC - New York University - World Water Day screening
NYC - Celebrating World Water Day at UN
Minneapolis, MN - International Women's Day
Minneapolis, MN - Water and Women's Rights, Minn MN
Portland, OR - African Film Festival
St Paul, MN - "Thirst(+y)" ELCA
Philadelphia, PA - APHA Conference
Philadelphia, PA - UPENN
NYC - NYU, Global Health Series
Albany, NY - Madison Theater
Guilderland, NY - Farnsworth School
Denver, CO - University of Denver
WATER FIRST Living Drop By Drop, the award-winning short version of the film, has been included in many festivals around the globe. It was also selected by the International Secretariat of Water for presentation at many international water conferences. Below is a selected list of venues:
Mexico City - World Water Forum (International Jury Award)
Rodos, Greece - EcoFilm Festival (Fulbright Cultural Exchange Award)
Istanbul, Turkey - UN Environmental Programme Award Film Festival
Stockholm, Sweden - World Water Week
Belgium - Verviers au Film de lEau Water Film
Los Angeles, CA - Pan African Film Festival
Denver, CO - Starz Pan African Film Festival
Orlando, FL - Global Peace Film Festival
Albany, NY - UA African Consortium and School of Public Health
Saratoga, NY - Skidmore College, International Students Association
Schenectady, NY - League of Women Voters Millennium Development Goals Event
Amherst, Mass - Global Water Forum UMASS Amherst
Northampton, Mass - Conference on Global Health and Clean Water Smith College
Mexico City - Africala Film Festival
Bangalore, India - Voices From the Waters Film Festival
Istanbul, Turkey - UlisphotoFest
Baltimore, Maryland - Maryland Film Festival
Charles Banda, the charismatic founder of Freshwater Project Malawi, and subject of the film, was in New York Sate in June '07 and November 2009 and attended several special screenings.
DONATIONS made after screenings of the film have helped to provide clean water to over 20,000 people in Malawi! Please click on the DONATE bucket if you would like to further the cause.
You may order WATER FIRST online or by calling Bullfrog Films at 1-800-543-3764. Various rates apply for educational institutions, non-profit groups or individuals, so please CALL Bullfrog Films for details.
Hart Productions, PO Box 286588, New York, NY 10128-0006, USA
Copyright 2024 Hart Productions. All rights reserved.